Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

October 11, 2018

Sports drinks, sweat and electrolytes - part 2 | The Science of Sport

This article argues that drinking sports drinks doesn't really prevent hyponatremia.

I do benefit from Gatorade during a high-effort activity, but I guess it is probably more the carbohydrates than the electrolytes.

Understanding nested list comprehension syntax in Python — /var/

Python's syntax for nested list comprehensions always seemed backwards to me; here's an explanation for why it is the way it is. I still think nested for-loops are easier to read.

Muscle Cramps: Part I | The Science of Sport

This series of posts argues that muscle cramps are the result of fatigue, not a lack of electrolytes.

After my first marathon, where my calves completely cramped up and I walked the last 10km, I bought into the electrolyte theory. But now I think it was just heat- and dehydration-enhanced fatigue.

Vimcasts Episodes

I usually prefer text articles to instructional videos, but Vimcast screencasts are very nice.

Two bits per transistor: high-density ROM in Intel's 8087 floating point chip

Another great IC photo and write up from Ken Shirriff which explains how Intel's 8087 used different gate widths in its ROM to encode two-bits of information per address.