Once thought of as only something a grandmother could love, doilies are experiencing a renaissance.
Some good info on the long-tail cast on, including why it is better to use the tail-end to create the half-hitches
Nice interview with Ian Lesnet of Dangerous Prototypes. I haven't heard much about Dangerous Prototypes in the last few years... I hope he's still doing some kind of open hardware somewhere.
An athlete tries out several PEDs to see what they're like.
For almost two decades, the outspoken punk frontman has been trying to get people to pay attention to police brutality. Now they're finally ready to listen.
Described as the "largest most complex machine ever built," this page covers commonly visible parts and functioning of the electric grid from generation to end user.
Good overview of how probe parasitics affect measurements.
big list of electronics youtube channels and related resources
A short article on the Hackaday blog about one of my projects
A review of 4 console spreadsheet programs that can run on linux.
An article that argues for a trash bin as opposed to a is_deleted column.
It turns out yarnsub.com has a newsletter where they publish some rather useful articles!