Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

December, 2023

_why's Estate

"Hey, welcome to my collection of why the lucky stiff links. Everything _why has published on the internet should be accessible from here. It works sort of like a museum that sells maps. Many of his abandoned writings are mirrored locally here, and everything else is through external links."

The making of Omnibot mkII

He uses a little CNC mill to create wood mold masters for silicone molds which he casts polyurethane parts in. It seems to work well.

"Both the original Omnibot and this revised approach feature a novel reconfigurable drivertrain, which enables the robot to perform on-the-spot 360° turns and to effortlessly alternate between forward and sideways motion. As opposed to most other omnidirectional designs, Omnibot can do so without losing registration with the environment, and without relying on exotic and expensive components. In fact, it uses just three extremely cheap brushed motors and four regular wheels."

iFishFar: Fly Fishing for Trail Runners

I've done this a couple of times with my tenkara rod