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Picture Wall - 28 pics
Python's many command-line utilities - Python Morsels
An app can be a home-cooked meal
The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List - Stack Overflow
The Bell System Technical Journal (1922-1983)
BYTE Magazine archive
Computer Language magazine archives
Compute! Gazette (1983-1990)
CodeReviewComments · golang/go Wiki
<Now Go Bang!> BASIC (Re)Numbering - with Commodore - Home
Swift on Mac OS 9 // -dealloc
John Graham-Cumming: The search for the "perfect" Advent Calendar (involves Python and Processing)
Literate Programming with Org-mode
Build a Super Simple Tasker [2006]
Pokemon Red - Full Recreation [1.11] Minecraft Project
The Mathematics of 2048: Minimum Moves to Win with Markov Chains
“Concurrency made easy”: coming soon to a programming language near you
A crash course in compilers
Where Vim Came From
What Did Ada Lovelace's Program Actually Do?
Pretty git branch graphs - Stack Overflow
Mechanical Turing Machine in Wood [PDF]
Simple Made Easy
Clearing memory in Python by Sjoerd Langkemper
How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016 – Hacker Noon
Inside a super fast CSS engine: Quantum CSS (aka Stylo) ★ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
How the heck does async/await work in Python 3.5?
410 Gone - Thoughts on Mark "diveintomark" Pilgrim's and _why's infosuicides - Scott Hanselman
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