The Commodordion is an 8-bit accordion primarily made of C64s, floppy disks, and gaffer tape. Article includes a video of the Commodordion in action.
A whole bunch of games in cartridge format ready to be played on thec64 (or in VICE)
"Magazines and periodicals dedicated to computers manufactured by Commodore International (1954-1994), including the PET, Commodore 64, Amiga, and other related models."
Every issue of COMPUTE!'s Gazette on the Internet Archive.
From Wikipedia: COMPUTE!'s Gazette (ISSN 0737-3716) was a computer magazine of the 1980s, directed at users of Commodore's 8-bit home computers. Publishing its first issue in July 1983, the Gazette was a Commodore-only daughter magazine of the computer hobbyist magazine COMPUTE!.
A JavaScript program to renumber Commodore BASIC programs (including jump targets)
You can play any of the Commodore 64 games in the Internet Archive directly in your browser using their Vice-based emulator! The only annoying thing is that you have to configure a joystick in port 1 for most games before you start playing.
Quotes from many of the original engineers and a surprisingly clear description of the C64's video modes.